Libro degli ospiti
Dear friends, I would be really delighted to hear from you!
232. Trevor Sheldon, York, England
Mail Home
I have been following your recordings now for some time. It is so refreshing to hear a musician who has something new to say with 'old notes'.

Are you going to be giving any concerts in England in the near future?

By the way, have you ever considered playing the Nielson concerto?

Thanks for the pleasure and challenge that you provide in equal measure.
Hello Trevor,

I am told that York is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I would so much like to play and be there.

I will participate in "The Rest is Noise"-Festival in the Southbank Centre with London Philharmonic and Vladimir Jurowski 17th may 2013 0730 pm. I'm just back from rehearsals with them in London, - its such a privilege to play with such a great orchestra and such an inspiring conductor.

Furthermore we will probably play in Wigmore Hall with our newly founded string quatuor, called "quartet lab". We alternate with Pekka Kuusisto on the violins. I never played Nielsen but some years ago I heard it most convincingly presented just by Pekka Kuusisto.

There is also a discussion with with Britten Sinfonia about a possible project.

My website is under reconstruction, I count having the tour plan for the first months of 2013 online shortly.

Thank you for your interest



231. Gerald Alford, Louisiana, USA
Loved your recording of Beethoven Concerto in D Major. You are quite a fiddler.
Thanx, I will take this compliment! Pat


230. Faryal Mirza, Bern, Switzerland
Dear Ms Kopatchinskaja,
I was at the concert last night with my eight-year-old daughter. We were both absolutely thrilled by your playing, supported wonderfully by your colleagues of the BSO.
It was nice too to have a short chat with you during the CD signing. My daughter loved the way you signed the CD for her and was full of questions afterwards about your playing and your daughter. It was a magical, moving evening.
Best wishes,
Faryal Mirza

229. Maxdavid Frei, Kehrsatz CH
Ich freue mich ganz ausserordentlich auf Ihr congeniales Spiel von heute abend mit Fazil Say. Congenial - mehr ist dazu nicht zu sagen!

228. Leendert C.Don, The Netherlands
Just returned from the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.
You have once again added another year to our lives (74, at present).
Thoroughly enjoyed your concert.

Thank you, also on behalf of my wife

Leen Don
Thank you also. I am so happy to play with Amsterdam Sinfonietta - one of the very best experiences in my musical life... Pat


227. Malcolm, Canberra, Australia
While writing this, I am enjoying your recording of Beethoven's concerto. Thanks for your wonderful fresh and sensitive performance of this work. The cadenzas were a surprise!
Thank you Malcolm, - I'am looking forward to be back to Australia with the Australian Chamber Orchestra next summer (anyway what we call summer in our Northern Hemisphere) with a spicy programme. Until then, Pat


226. Andrea Schumacher
Liebe Patricia,

es war sehr schön, Dir in Bonn wieder zu begegnen!

Die Grüße an Leonard habe ich gerne ausgerichtet- er muß unbedingt ins Konzert kommen, wenn Du in München bei unserem 3.Abo Ligeti spielst.

Du läßt Deine in allen Farben schillernde Kreativität durch Dich hindurch und über Deine Geige an unsere Ohren und Herzen...ich war/bin tief beeindruckt.

Bis zum Konzert im Prinze alles, alles Gute für Dich, Deine Familie und Geige...!

Liebe Grüße von Andrea (vom Münchener Kammerorchester)

225. Ernst Thomas, Beethovenfest Bonn
Sehr geehrte Frau Kopatchinskaja,

nachdem ich Ihr Interview im WDR 3 gehört habe und Sie soeben in Bonn erleben durfte, kann ich verstehen, dass Ihre Tochter Sie an Ihrer Speilweise erkennt - ich bin selber ganz hingerissen von Ihrem Auftritt. Einfach toll Ihre Interpretation des Violinkonzertes von Ligeti.

Vieleicht bin ich auf Schloss Neuhardenberg dabei (meine Wurzeln liegen in Siebenbürgen/Transilvanien...)

Viele liebe Grüße aus Bonn
Na wenn Sie aus Siebenbürgen/Transsylvanien kommen, ist eh schon alles klar... :) Pat


224. richard, u.s.a.
Very much enjoyed your Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto.

223. christine fleck, graz, stmk, AU
dear pa-ko. I was so lucky to hear AND see you in graz (20/7/12) together with your family and with your friend mihaela ursuleasa. I was so moved when you two bowed before the listeners and then before each other- I heard and felt that you two are so close-
and some days later the news: mihaela is dead. unbelievable
it really made me cry.
your obituary for M U is great, thank you, christine fleck

222. Elisabeth Reiter
Dear Patricia,

such touching words about Mihaela, thank you.

221. Michael Greger, Graz
Mail Home
Sehr verehrte Frau Kopatchinskaja!

Mein tiefes Mitgefühl zum Verlust Ihrer Freundin und Seelenverwandten Mihaela Ursuleasa. Ich konnte Ihr fulminantes und packendes Konzert bei der Styriarte in Graz hören und daher sehen und spüren, welch kongeniale musikalische Partnerin und Freundin Sie verloren haben. In Ihrem Konzert gingen "Ströme lebendigen Wassers" von Ihnen aus - eine der Quellen ist nun leider versiegt.
Mögen Ihnen die vielen Erinnerungen an gemeinsames Musizieren und gemeinsame Empfindungen Trost spenden.
Mit mitfühlenden und herzlichen Grüßen!
Michael Greger

.: box77 :.