208. anna
diese musik kann leben retten!
liebe patricia, ich höre dich auf cd und youtube – und dieser tage endlich LIVE! im wiener konzerthaus. ich bin begeistert von dem, was du da tust und möchte mich bei dir bedanken.
alles gute für dich und herzliche grüße, anna

207. Timo Erno, Finland
As a non-musician myself, I still enjoy great music and great performances. You are the reason that I have really started to enjoy violin music much more than I ever did. I was lucky to find your concert on a German TV-channel playing Tschaikovski's violin concerto with the Moscow Radio Orchestra and I was able to record it. It is now my most valued recording ever and I watch and listen to it quite often. What strikes me most is the way you seem to live the music and not just play it.
Look for the comment to post 211


206. fraulein
you make me cry, cry and cry. wonderfull. xxx

205. Wim Lenferink, Nijmegen, NL
Dear Patricia,

Thanks for your concert on ARTE yersterday evening.
Do you speak the violin better than our Janine and Liza? This morning at 4 a.m. I enjoyed your develish 1001 nights in the harem and some time ago your interview on WDR3.
I am sorry for the postlude to your performance in Rotterdam!

Best wishes,
Wim Lenferink
The Tschaikovsky was later also recorded by ARTE during a performance in Nantes, this is still on youtube.

The performance in Wiesbaden was a little bit slower overall and more controlled, if you want technically more perfect. Nantes was faster, riskier, spicyer and almost a delirium.


204. LEGREGEOIS Christian, Rogerville, France
bonsoir Patricia
je viens de vous voir et vous écouter sur ARTE, ce dimanche.
Après le concerto pour violon de Piotr, seul dans mon salon, je me suis levé pour vous applaudir, les larmes aux yeux.
Vous êtes simplement merveilleuse.
Un autre violon du diable...

203. Jan de Kruijff, Leusden, Netherlands
Dear Patricia,

In an hour's time I'm going to look at and listen to you playing Tchaikovsky on Arte TV. Would love to review your cd/dvd records on my website. Please do suggest an easy possibility to get them. Good luck and kindest regards, Jan
Hello Jan, my recording label is NAIVE, they made four CD's and another is in preparation (Concertos by Bartok, Ligeti and Eötvös). Before I recorded some CD's with other companies. You find the details on my website. And there is a live recording on Youtube by ARTE of Tschaikovsky with Kantorow and Sinfonia Warsovia. I felt very much at ease with these musicians and the tempi are what I imagine. All the best, Pat


202. Yilmaz Oz, Ankara, Turkey
Dear Patricia,

Enjoyed very much your performance at Martigny last night accompanied by Fazil Say. As I had once asked you (in April 2009 in Wien), I do verily hope and look forward to your capturing audiences in North America, as well. Sorry I could not get to introduce my granddaughter to you. The queue seeking your autograph on the prgram sheet was too long! My very best wishes, Yilmaz Oz (Lawyer from Turkey)

201. Christian GLACE, near Strasbourg (Fr)
Never, absolutely never heard such an interpretation of Tchai's Violin Concerto at the Folles Journées de Nantes. Amazing, every second is a renewal!

Please, please, arrange editing this concert in HD Blu-Ray with Arte. This WILL be a great success...
I forwarded your request to my recording firm (NAIVE). All the best, Pat.


200. Viktor Tschernyschov, Ihre Webseite
Mail Home
Sehr geehrte Frau Kopatchinskaja,
ich möchte sehr gern wissen, warum auf Ihrer Webseite neben Englisch, Deutsch, Französich und Italienisch kein Russisch und kein Moldauisch geboten werden?
Lieber Viktor Tschernyschov, das ist ganz einfach, ich spiele vor allem in den Ländern mit diesen Sprachen, die auch mein Webmaster beherrscht. Dann spiele ich noch relativ häufig in Spanien und in Japan. Falls aus Russland und Moldavien regelmässige Konzerteinladungen kämen, so würden wir es uns aber überlegen. Herzliche Grüsse, Pat


199. vasile gheorghe
N-am crezut ca o compatrioata sa cante atat de bine la vioara.Bine insemnand gasesc cel mai potrivit cuvant, ba da =INEFABIL=(nu poate fi descris in cuvinte )Si nu am ascultat decat Ceaikovski,si sunt deja fan al tau .Iti doresc tot binele din lume .

198. Michel DOPIERRE, Tchaikovski Nantes
Hi Patricia,
we just saw your concert in Nantes on french TV. It was so wonderful. I think we will book some tickets to see you in Constanz in Germany. Thank you very much.
Glad to see you !
PS : My daughter and me are playing violin and we are so impressed. Sorry for our french speaking.
Best regards

197. Dr. Jorge Gálvez Q., Berlin
La acabo de ver tocando el concierto para violin de Tschakowsky en Nantes y no salgo del gran impacto que me ha provocado su dominio técnico del instrumento y su interactuar con la orquesta y el director; es un fuego el que Usted le arranca a ese violin y el mensaje musical se transmite corpórea y sensorialmente a la orquesta y al público generando una suerte de fascinación global.
Es realmente una simbiosis perfecta entre maestría técnica y sensibilidad artística-musical.

.: box77 :.